On World TB Day, March 24, the DeKalb County Board of Health announces that it will soon enhance its capacity to screen for tuberculosis (TB) infection.
The agency recently received a grant of over $77,000 from the Association of Public Health Laboratories. The funds will allow the Board of Health to purchase a second interferon gamma release assay machine to aid in diagnosing TB. The equipment analyzes blood samples and is more accurate and faster than screening using the traditional skin test method. In addition, the assay method is more effective in screening individuals who are from countries where TB is common, who have impaired immune systems or who are taking certain medications.
“For the past decade, the DeKalb Health District has had the highest or second highest rate of active TB cases compared to Georgia’s other 17 public health districts,” reports Sentayehu Bedane, M.D., M.P.H. As the Board of Health’s countywide services manager, Dr. Bedane oversees the TB program.
Please click here for the full press release.