There is quite a bit of information circulating about Ebola in the U.S. and internationally. You or your family members may have questions about Ebola, how it is transmitted and how you can protect yourself from Ebola. The Centers for Disease Control has prepared a series of educational materials that you may want to review, share with your family members or provide to your clients or share with your social networks. The materials are:
What you need to know about Ebola:
An infographic regarding transmission:
Specifics regarding the outbreak in West Africa:
Also, please feel free to contact our District Epidemiologist, Jessica Grippo, MPH. She is available to provide additional information regarding Ebola protocols for clinics as well as basic education information. You can reach her at:
Jessica Grippo, MPH
Program Coordinator/District Epidemiologist
Office of Epidemiology and Statistics
DeKalb County Board of Health
445 Winn Way
Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 508-7851