Frequently Called Numbers
After-Hours Coverage | (404) 294-3700 |
Children with Special Needs | (404) 508-7981 |
Emergency Preparedness | (404) 294-3700 |
Environmental Health | (404) 294-3700 |
Health Centers | |
• Clifton Springs | (404) 294-3700 |
• East DeKalb | (404) 294-3700 |
• North DeKalb | (404) 294-3700 |
• T.O. Vinson | (404) 294-3700 |
HIV/AIDS | (404) 508-7866 |
Workforce Development (HR) | (404) 294-3700 |
Infectious Disease Control and Prevention | (404) 508-7851 |
Main Switchboard | (404) 294-3700 |
Communications and Media Relations | (404) 294-3700 |
Notifiable Disease Reporting | (404) 294-3700 |
Refugee Health (Richardson Health Center) | (404) 294-3818 |
Travel Medicine | (404) 294-3700 |
• East DeKalb Health Center | (404) 294-3700 |
• T.O. Vinson Health Center | (404) 294-3700 |
Tuberculosis (TB) Services | (404) 294-3700 |
Vital Records | (404) 294-3700 |
Volunteer Services | (404) 294-3700 |
WIC (Women, Infants & Children) | (404) 508-7777 |